• 17 мая 2013, пятница
  • Москва, Кузнецкий мост 21/5

Real Talk (English speed-meeting aka Incredible English)

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Английский разговорный клуб MERGE
4006 дней назад
17 мая 2013 c 19:30 до 22:00
Кузнецкий мост 21/5

Starbucks on Kuznetskiy Most str.21/5 m.Kuznetskiy Most / Lubyanka, Friday, 17 Мая в 19:30

The next meeting will be held on the 17th of May, Friday in Starbucks on Kuznetskiy most 21/5 at 19:30. The first topic will be free, so you’ll have possibility to tell each other about good may-holiday’s time!) 

What will it look like? My favorite part is chatting one on one. People are divided into pairs and discussing some topic. The topic can be announced by the host or it will be written on the piece of paper, that you take out of a hat. In the short period of time you're able to get a lot of practice, meet different people and never get bored indeed! Yeah, it’s called Speed-Meeting.

Next there will be a coffee break. After it we’ll play games. It can be “Contact”, “Crocodile”, “Alias” or “Who am I”. I’ll think more about possible games and I’m open for your suggestions. Just make sure, that the rules are not complicated. 

Sometimes you can feel that you didn’t have enough time during the speed-meeting to talk with somebody. So it’s absolutely acceptable to continue discussion during the game time – just find comfortable place and have your time! Really, sometimes it’s more interesting than any game!)

Contact: Антон Пелепелин (7-985-122-62-97)
Entrance fee is 100 rub.



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