• 12 мая 2013, воскресенье
  • Москва, Кожевническая, 1 (Starbucks cafe)

Buisiness English by playing Cashflow.

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Английский разговорный клуб MERGE
4011 дней назад
12 мая 2013 c 14:00 до 17:00
Кожевническая, 1 (Starbucks cafe)

We are going to play Cashflow in English.

Cashflow 101 and 202 games provide:

1) An increase in Financial IQ

2) Concepts that rich understand about money that you were never tought

3) Understanding risks and what you must know to deminish them

4) Expanded knowledge about money and investing

5) Clear difference between Context and Content

and made in English tongue it provides you with all the above in ENGLISH.


Try to become an owner of a GOLD MINE being a JANITOR. Try to fulfil your most dreamed DREAM (say, a LOFTY TRIP AROUND THE WORLD) being paid as a SECRETARY.

There are only 6 slots currently to be used in the game so bring your friends as councelors with who you can make up a team to beat the competition. Each slot costs 300 rubles to enter. Host will be a banker for the game.

Contact: 8-903-724-71-58 Alexandr


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